•  Rental income increased to SEKm 954 (43).

•  The net operating surplus increased to SEKm 620 (23).

•  The net operating result increased, as a result of the improved net operating surplus, to SEKm 250 (0,2).

•  The profit for the period increased to SEKm 2,047 (406), which correspond to an earnings per share of SEK 3.20 (N/A).

    o Unrealized property value changes excluding building rights amounted to SEKm 1,774 (183).

    o Unrealized value changes as a result of building rights amounted to SEKm 580 (325).

•  The value of the property portfolio increased to SEKm 22,052 (2,822).

•  The EPRA NAV per share increased to SEK 9.05.                   

•  The surplus ratio increased from 65 percent in the second quarter to 71 percent in the third quarter, which contributed to an operating profit of SEKm 112 for the third quarter.

-It is the result that counts. Our profit from property management for the first nine months of 2017 of SEKm 250 is in accordance with our previously announced 12-month rolling earnings capacity. This is because we deliver a surplus ratio in the third quarter of 71%. We continue to focus on value creation through dedicated management, investments in upgrading, extended municipal leases and a development of building rights.”

Ilija Batljan

CEO and Founder

Enclosure: Interim report January – September 2017

For more information, please contact:

Ilija Batljan, CEO and Founder of Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB, 070 518 39 67, [email protected]