A complete set of proposals for decisions at Morphic’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) on October 19 are now available on Morphic’s website, www.morphic.se/stamma.

As shown in the document, the Board of Directors has decided to withdraw its options scheme proposal. The purpose of the options scheme is to create the best possible opportunities for Morphic to recruit and retain people with top-level skills. Morphic is in an expansive phase involving several planned and ongoing recruitments of key individuals in Sweden and abroad. The Board is of the view that the scope and structure of its previous proposal did not fully take account of these ongoing changes in the organization, with the result that the aim of the scheme would not be achieved. The Board therefore intends to present a proposal for a new incentive scheme model, which will comprise equity- and cash-related components, at an extraordinary general meeting that is expected to be held before the end of the year.

The deadline for enrolments for the AGM is October 16. Shareholders whose shares are registered in the name of a nominee must temporarily have their shares reregistered in their own name. Such registration of voting rights must be completed by October 13, 2007. To ensure that this deadline is met, shareholders should contact their nominees in good time to request registration of voting rights.