The Annual General Meeting, or the Extraordinary General Meeting when needed, is SBB’s highest decision-making body. At the general meeting, the shareholders exercise their voting rights on key issues, such as the adoption of income statements and balance sheets, appropriation of the Company’s results, discharge from liability of members of the Board and the CEO, election of members of the Board and auditors and remuneration to the Board and the auditors. The AGM is normally held in April or May. Shareholders wishing to have a matter addressed at the AGM shall submit a request in writing to the Board of Directors. Requests from shareholders must have been received no later than 7 weeks before the general meeting, or in any case in due time so that the matter if necessary can be included in the notice to the general meeting.
Notification of a General Meeting shall be published in the Official Swedish Gazette and at the company’s website. An announcement with information that notification of the General Meeting has been issued shall be published in Dagens Nyheter. The notice convening the AGM will be available in English, while other material for the AGM will only be produced in Swedish.
Shareholders who wish to participate in a general meeting must be included in the general register maintained by Euroclear Sweden on the day falling five workdays prior to the meeting, and notify the Company of their participation no later than the day stipulated in the notice convening the meeting. Registration may take place in different ways according to what is stated in the notice. A shareholder may vote for all shares owned or represented by the shareholder.