* Net turnover for the period totaled MSEK 63.7 (16.3)
* Income after tax totaled MSEK -19.8 (-10.3)
* Earnings per share totaled SEK -0.14 (-0.09)
* Liquid assets on close day MSEK 184.6 (186.5)

Important Events During the Period
* Test order received for fuel-cell flow plates for laptop computers and other consumer electronics
* Order received for wind park valued at MSEK 234
* Order received from Haldex from materials handling system SensActive™
* Continued large volume of orders for ship propellers
* Eva-Lotta Kraft and Lars Olof Nilsson elected into the Board of Directors at the extraordinary general meeting

Important Events Following Period End
* Volume order for flow plates for fuel cells intended for consumer electronics totaling MSEK 60 over a two year period
* Three orders received for wind turbines totaling approximately MSEK 34
* 55% of the energy technology company Helbio S.A. acquired
* Test order received for fuel-cell flow plates for combined heat and power generation
* Patent granted for SensActive™

Read the full report in the attached document.