At the annual general meeting of SSM Holding AB (publ), held on 14 March 2017, it was, among other things, resolved on the allocation of the company’s profit, re-election of the members of the board of directors, authorisation of the board of directors to resolve on new issues of shares, adoption of guidelines for remuneration for the senior executives and adoption of principles for the establishment of the nomination committee and instructions for the nomination committee.

The annual general meeting resolved, in accordance with the board of directors’ proposal, that the amount of SEK 45,372,672 at the disposal of the general meeting shall be carried forward.

The annual general meeting resolved to re-elect Anders Janson, Bo Andersson, Per Berggren, Sheila Florell, Ulf Morelius, Ulf Sjöstrand and Jonas Wikström as members of the board of directors, as well as to appoint Anders Janson as chairman of the board of directors.

Also, it was resolved to dismiss Inger Lund as deputy auditor and to re-elect Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB as auditor of the company (with Ola Salemyr as auditor in-charge).

It was further resolved that remuneration of SEK 230,000 shall be paid to the chairman of the board of directors and that remuneration of SEK 130,000 shall be paid to the other members of the board of directors, provided, however, that no remuneration shall be paid to the directors Ulf Morelius and Ulf Sjöstrand. It was also resolved that fees to the auditor shall be paid in accordance with approved invoices.

The annual general meeting resolved to authorise the board of directors to at one or several occasions before the next annual general meeting, with or without pre-emption rights for the shareholders, resolve upon a new issue of shares.

Furthermore, the annual general meeting resolved to adopt guidelines for remuneration for the senior executives as well as principles for the establishment of the nomination committee and instructions for the nomination committee.

For more information, please contact:

Anders Janson, Chairman, who can be reached via:

Ann-Charlotte Johansson, Chief Communications & IR Officer          
Tel: +46 (0)761-65 17 71
E-mail: [email protected]

Om SSM Holding AB (publ)             
SSM produces functionally smart and affordable homes with attractive common areas, close to public transport and the city center for the company’s target group — the urbanites of tomorrow. The company envisions a housing market that is accessible to as many people as possible and aspires to produce 60 percent cooperative apartments, 30 percent rental units and 10 percent student housing. SSM is the leading property developer in its niche within the Greater Stockholms-region and in February 2017, the company had more than 5,500 building permits in its portfolio.