The Annual General Meeting of Hemfosa Fastigheter AB was held today, 7 May 2015. The Meeting adopted the income statements and balance sheets for the parent company and for the group and granted discharge from liability for the members of the Board of Directors and the CEO for the 2014 financial year.


The Meeting approved the proposed dividend of SEK 6.00 per ordinary share for the 2014 financial year, with quarterly payments of SEK 1.50 per ordinary share. After completion of the share split 2:1 in the company (see below), each ordinary share will entitle to a dividend of a total amount of SEK 3.00, with quarterly payments of SEK 0.75. Record days for the quarterly dividends on the ordinary shares are 11 May 2015, 10 July 2015, 10 October 2015 and 10 January 2016.

The Meeting further resolved that a dividend to the shareholders of preference shares for the 2014 financial year shall be paid in a total amount of SEK 20.00 per preference share, with quarterly payments of SEK 5.00 per preference share. After completion of the share split 2:1 in the company, each preference share will entitle to a dividend of a total amount of SEK 10.00, with quarterly payments of SEK 2.50. Record days for the quarterly dividends on the preference shares are 10 July 2015, 10 October 2015, 10 January 2016 and 10 April 2016. In the event that the record day for ordinary shares or preference shares is not a banking day, the record day shall be the immediately preceding banking day.

Board and auditor

The Meeting resolved on the Board composition and remuneration to the Board in accordance with the Nomination Committee’s proposal entailing that Bengt Kjell, Anneli Lindblom, Caroline Sundewall, Daniel Skoghäll, Jens Engvall, Magnus Eriksson and Ulrika Valassi were re-elected as Board members. Bengt Kjell was re-elected as Chairman of the Board.

The registered accounting firm KPMG AB was reappointed as the company’s auditor for the period until the next Annual General Meeting. KPMG AB has announced that Björn Flink will be auditor in charge.

Share split

The Meeting also resolved on a share split whereby one existing share in the company is divided into two shares of the same class of shares (share split 2:1) in accordance with the Board’s proposal. After completion of the share split, the number of shares in the company will increase from 70,720,104 to 141,440,208, of which 131,440,208 are ordinary shares and 10,000,000 are preference shares. The Board was authorized to determine the record day for the share split, which is expected to be May 19, 2015

Articles of Association

In order to, among other things, adjust the Articles of Association according to the share split (2:1), the Annual General Meeting adopted amended articles of association. The amendments in the Articles of Association also implies that the record days for dividends on preference shares will be 10 January, 10 April, 10 July and 10 October (previously the 20th in the respective month).


The Meeting authorized the Board to, at one or more occasions for the period until the end of the next Annual General Meeting, with or without deviation from the shareholders’ preferential right, resolve upon a new issue of preference shares to the extent that such new issue can be made without amending the Articles of Association. The total number of preference shares that may be issued pursuant to the authorisation may not exceed 5,000,000. After completion of the share split 2:1, the resolution entails that the total number of preference shares that may be issued pursuant to the authorisation may not exceed 10,000,000.

Furthermore, the Meeting resolved to adopt guidelines for remuneration to senior executives, in accordance with the proposal from the Board.

For further information, please contact Hemfosa Fastigheter: Phone +46 8-448 04 80