Hemfosa Fastigheter AB’s Extraordinary General Meeting was held on 12 November 2014, at 11 a.m. CET in Stockholm. The meeting adopted the following resolutions.
Amendment to the Articles of Association (introduction of a new class of shares (preference shares) etc.)
The Extraordinary General Meeting resolved in accordance with the Board’s proposal regarding amendments to the Articles of Association. The amendments involve that the limits for the company’s share capital are changed to be no less than SEK 50,000,000 and no more than SEK 200,000,000, respectively and that the number of shares of the company shall be no less than 50,000,000 shares and no more than 200,000,000 shares. Furthermore, the Articles of Association were amended in order to allow for new issues of preference shares in the company, in accordance with the Board’s proposal.
Authorisation for the Board to resolve upon new issues of preference shares
The Extraordinary General Meeting also resolved to authorise the Board to, at one or more occasions before the next Annual General Meeting, with or without deviation from the pre-emption right of shareholders, resolve upon new issues of preference shares in the company. The authorisation comprises a maximum of 5,000,000 preference shares in total.
Dividend on preference shares
Furthermore, the Extraordinary General Meeting resolved in accordance with the Board’s proposal regarding dividend on preference shares if the company issues such preference shares during the period until the 2015 Annual General Meeting.
For more information, please contact:
Bengt Kjell, Chairman of the Board, mobile +46 705 94 5398, switchboard +46 8-448 04 80