The Diakonissehuset Lovisenberg Foundation becomes a new tenant at Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB’s (“SBB”) hospital at Gardermoen, Oslo. The agreement runs from 1 January 2023, and from the same date the hospital gets a new name, Cathinka Guldberg Hospital, named after the foundation’s founder.
“We have agreed with the current tenant, LHL, on a transfer of operations of the hospital at Gardermoen. The lease agreement with SBB has been extended by five years and this means that we will operate the hospital at least until 2048,” says Vidar Haukeland, CEO of the Diakonissehuset Lovisenberg Foundation.
Akershus University Hospital, which sublet just under 50 percent of the hospital’s premises, will also continue its operations. The hospital has an area of just over 30,000 sqm and was completed in 2018. In autumn 2021, it achieved the environmental certification, BREEAM in Use Outstanding, as the first hospital in the world.
“We are now looking forward to taking over a modern hospital that is adapted to the needs of the future. Our desire is to strengthen rehabilitation activities and we will particularly emphasize that here,” says Haukeland and elaborates further:
“Our founder was a pioneer and established nursing education in Norway. The aim, then as now, was to help people in vulnerable and demanding situations and the values of quality and charity are still central. Cathinka Guldberg grew up in Nannestad, not far from Gardermoen. Therefore, it is nice in several ways to name the hospital after her.”
Henrik Melder, country manager at SBB in Norway, is both proud and happy to have the Diakonissehuset Lovisenberg Foundation as a new and long-term tenant at the hospital:
“The foundation has a long and exciting history. The hospital is new and modern and everything is in order for Lovisenberg to have the best facilities to carry out its social mission,” he says.
“That a solid and critically important player like Lovisenberg chooses to expand its operations to our hospital at Gardermoen is recognition of how we work. Development and investments in social infrastructure will also be decisive in the coming years,” emphasizes Ilija Batljan, CEO and Founder, Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB.
For further information, please contact:
Vidar Haukeland, CEO, Diakonissehuset Lovisenberg,, tel +47 982 07 610
Henrik Melder, Head of Norway, Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB,, tel +47 905 71 445
Diakonissehuset Lovisenberg is a non-profit diaconal foundation that has extensive activities in health education, elderly care and hospital operations. The foundation owns Lovisenberg Diakonale Høgskole AS, Lovisenberg Diakonale Hospital AS (50 percent), Lovisenberg Omsorg AS, Lovisenberg Rehabilitation AS, Lovisenberg Hospital Pharmacy AS, Lovisenberg Diakonale Barnehage AS, Norway’s only wafer bakery, guesthouses and canteens/cafes. The foundation is also involved in international projects. A significant property portfolio is managed and developed in line with the foundation’s purpose. The foundation is based on a diaconal foundation of values. The story goes back to Cathinka Guldberg, who founded the Deacon House in 1868 and established nursing education in Norway.