The Nomination Committee of SSM Holding AB (publ) is made up of the company’s three largest shareholders as at September 30 as well as the Chairman of the Board of SSM. Weland Holding, which is the company’s third largest shareholder, has declined to be included. For this reason, the fourth largest shareholder in the company is included in the Nomination Committee for the company’s Annual General Meeting 2019.

The members of the Nomination Committee are:

  • Ulf Morelius, appointed by Eurodevelopment AG
  • Johannes Wingborg, appointed by Länsförsäkringar Fondförvaltning AB
  • Peter Lundkvist, appointed by Tredje AP-fonden
  • Anders Janson, Chairman of the Board of SSM Holding AB

Johannes Wingborg has been appointed Chairman of the Nomination Committee.

The above-listed shareholders together hold approximately 80.5 percent of the shares and votes in SSM.

SSM Holding AB’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 15, 2019 at the company’s head office at Torsgatan 13 in Stockholm.

Shareholders who wish to submit a proposal to SSM’s Nominating Committee must do so in writing no later than January 14, 2019 to or SSM Holding AB, Att: Valberedningen, 111 23 Stockholm.

For more information, please contact:

Ann-Charlotte Johansson
Chief Communications & IR Officer             
Phone: +46 761 65 17 71

About SSM Holding AB (publ) 
SSM produces functionally smart and affordable homes with attractive common areas, close to public transport and the city center for the company’s target group — the urbanites of tomorrow. The company envisions a housing market that is accessible to as many people as possible and aspires to produce 60 percent cooperative apartments, 30 percent rental units and 10 percent student housing. SSM is the leading property developer in its niche within the Greater Stockholm area and in June 2018, the company has approximately 6,500 building permits in its portfolio. SSM was listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (Mid-cap) April 6, 2017