Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB (publ) (”SBB”) is the first associated member of Public Housing Sweden (Sw: Sveriges Allmännytta, former SABO). SBB manages over 10,000 rent regulated apartments in Sweden and is one of the largest owners of elderly care homes, LSS-housing and schools within social infrastructure in the Nordics. SBB welcomes the membership decision which is in line with SBB’s ambition to be a leading long-term partner to the public sector in the Nordics.

“I am pleased that we, as the first private real estate company, have been granted membership of Public Housing Sweden. Since 2011, I have been engaged in allowing private actors to become members. Sweden’s housing challenges can only be solved by socially beneficial companies, public as well as private. Public Housing Sweden is showing the way. SBB owns and develops rental apartments and social infrastructure properties, and by doing this we help society to develop and grow. We also view a membership of Public Housing Sweden as a further guarantee of our long-term view and our social engagement,” says Ilija Batljan, CEO and Founder of SBB.

Public Housing Sweden’s decision to open up for private actors to become members, puts actors’ social engagement in focus, instead of, as previously, organisational status.

“To be able to welcome even more long-term serious housing companies to become members, even if they are not owned by a municipality, is gratifying. Public Housing Sweden now becomes an even broader organisation that now also represents private actors with social responsibility that defend the rental apartment as a type of housing. The ambition is to be stronger and more distinguishable together as social builders and to contribute with even more social benefit – that is a part of the change that has commenced in Public Housing Sweden,” comments Anders Nordstrand, CEO Public Housing Sweden.

For further information, please contact:

Ilija Batljan, CEO and Founder of Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB, +46 70 518 39 67,