Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget I Norden AB (“SBB”) raises its forecast for the 2021 full year earnings per ordinary share A and B to SEK 13.70-14.20. The previous forecast amounted to SEK 9.80 per ordinary share A and B and was published in connection with the interim report for January-September 2021. The updated forecast is based on preliminary earnings improvements in mainly SBB’s three value add strategies.

SBB’s year-end report for 2021 will be published on 23 February 2022 at 08.00 CET.

For further information, please contact:

Ilija Batljan, CEO and Founder of Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB,

This information is information that Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above on 6 January 2022, at 21:35 CET.