Nasdaq Stockholm’s listing committee has approved Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB (publ)’s (“SBB”) shares[1] for admission to trading on the main market subject to customary conditions[2].
The first day of trading of SBB’s shares[1] on Nasdaq Stockholm is expected to be on Friday 20 September 2019. The last day of trading of SBB’s shares on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market is expected to occur on Thursday 19 September 2019.
The shares that will be admitted to trading will be traded under the same tickers (SBB B, SBB D and SBB PREF) and with the same ISIN codes (SE0009554454, SE0011844091 and SE0009580715) as before. No new shares will be issued in connection with the listing on Nasdaq Stockholm. Shareholders of SBB do not need to take any action in connection with the change of listing venue.
“We have had an express ambition to carry through a change of listing venue to Nasdaq Stockholm during 2019, and we are happy to now take this important step. A listing on the main market will further strengthen the quality associated with SBB and is fully in line with our profile as a long-term community builder. Since the original listing on First North, we have noticed a continuously increasing interest in our operations both in the Nordics and internationally, and I expect it to become even greater on the main market,” says Ilija Batljan, CEO and Founder of SBB.
For further information, please refer to the prospectus prepared in connection with the listing on Nasdaq Stockholm, which is expected to be approved and registered by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority as well as published on SBB’s website ( on or about 18 September 2019.
ABG Sundal Collier and SEB Corporate Finance are financial advisors and Vinge and Hammarskiöld are legal advisors in connection with the listing of the shares on Nasdaq Stockholm.
1 The approved application includes SBB’s B, D, and preference shares. Given the recently completed exchange offering to the holders of SBB’s preference shares, an evaluation is in progress of whether the dispersion requirement regarding the preference shares can be met. Further information regarding the handling of SBB’s preference shares is intended to be provided shortly.
2 The approval is subject to customary conditions, including the approval and registration of a prospectus by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority and confirmation that the dispersion requirements in respect of the shares are fulfilled.
For further information, please contact:
Ilija Batljan, CEO and Founder of Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB, +46 70 518 39 67,
This information is information that Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above on September 11, 2019, at 11:15 CET.