“We are very proud to achieve Breeam in Use Outstanding, which is the highest environmental classification that can be achieved for a building in operation,” says Henrik Melder, Head of Norway, Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB. “We have succeeded in achieving this through hard and goal-oriented work from our excellent operating apparatus and technical team. Furthermore, we have received very good help from Bill Engeness in Norencert AS, which specializes in assisting in such processes. Our employees go to work every day with an ambition to help us achieve our hair-raising goals in environment and sustainability. The certification is visible proof that we have the right focus and that we work correctly with one of the biggest challenges of our time,” Henrik Melder continues.
“The fact that the hospital at Gardermoen achieves Breeam in Use Outstanding, as the first hospital in the world, shows that our very ambitious goals in environment and sustainability, in combination with our talented and committed employees, are yielding results,” says Ilija Batljan, CEO and Founder of Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB (“SBB”). We promise to continue to deliver on our environmental and sustainability ambitions,” continues Ilija Batljan.
“For a company of our size, it is important to work thoroughly and systematically over time with these challenges, we do that at SBB,” says Marika Dimming, Head of Sustainability at Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB. “We have a goal of being climate positive by 2030, so we have no time to lose,” concludes Marika Dimming.
For further information, please contact:
Henrik Melder, Head of Norway, Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB, henrik.melder@sbbnorden.no