The Remuneration Committee shall prepare matters regarding remuneration principles for the CEO and other senior executives as well as individual remuneration to the CEO in accordance with the remuneration principles. The principles include, among other things, the relationship between fixed and possible variable remuneration and the correlation between performance and remuneration, main conditions for any bonus and incentive program, as well as the main conditions for non-monetary benefits, pension, termination and severance pay. The CEO also applies to the Board to determine remuneration and other terms of employment. However, share-related incentive programs for management are decided
by the Annual General Meeting.

The committee shall further assist the Board in monitoring the system by which the company complies with the law, stock exchange rules and the Code governing the disclosure of information relating to remuneration to the CEO and other senior executives, and to monitor and evaluate any ongoing and completed programs for the year, variable remuneration for the CEO and other senior executives, the application of the guidelines for remuneration to the CEO and other senior executives that the Annual General Meeting resolves by law, as well as applicable remuneration structures and remuneration levels.

The Remuneration Committee consists of the Board members Lennart Schuss (Chairman), Lennart Sten and Hans Runesten who are deemed to be independent in relation to the Company and Management.