Share Capital
As of August 31, 2023, the share capital amounted to SEK 164,848,155.3 with a quota value of SEK 0.1. The total number of registered shares amounted to 1,648,481,553. The ordinary shares are distributed as follows: 209,977,491 series A shares (Series A), 1,244,638,157 series B shares (Series B) and 193,865,905 series D shares (Series D). Each Series A share entitles the holder to one (1) vote. Each Series B and Series D entitles the holder to one tenth (1/10) vote.
Trade in the company’s shares
Series B is traded on Nasdaq Stockholm, Large Cap. The stock ticker symbol is SBB B. The ISIN code is SE0009554454. One unit equals one (1) share. Series D is traded on Nasdaq Stockholm, Large Cap. The stock ticker symbol is SBB D. The ISIN code is SE0011844091. One unit equals one (1) share. ABG Sundal Collier acts as market maker with a view to promoting satisfactory liquidity in the trading of the Company’s shares.