The sustainability policy covers all of SBB’s operations and applies to all companies within the Group. Responsibility for the policy lies with the Deputy CEO/Property Development Manager. In its definition of sustainable development, SBB includes responsibility for the long-term economic, environmental and social outcomes and consequences of how SBB applies its business concept and values its operations.
- SBB supports Global Compact’s principles on human rights, freedom of association, labour law, working conditions, elimination of forced labour, abolishment of child labour and discrimination, precautionary approaches regarding environmental risks, initiatives to strengthen greater environmental awareness, development of environmentally friendly technology and anti-corruption.
- SBB backs the Paris Agreement, the global sustainable development goals in Agenda 2030, highlights the risks that climate changes entail and views the climate change issue as the great challenge of our time. SBB has the target of reducing climate impact by 750 tonnes of CO2e per year. This target has been adjusted upwards from 400 tonnes CO2 per year to take the acquisition of Hemfosa into consideration.
- SBB locates its acquisitions close to railway service. All of SBB’s development areas are situated in identified locations close to public transport.
- SBB shall be a financially stable business partner to promote a sustainable relationship with shareholders, tenants and employees.
- An external function for whistle-blowers is in place to ensure ethical business behaviour.
- SBB shall not use materials that are classified as environmentally hazardous and strive to use materials that are approved by an assessment system, such as Sundahus, building materials assessment, Basta.